Sunday, April 27, 2008


I was in a smallish (about 1 acre) clearing in a forest with Sarah, Joe Monkey and Niall. It was dark and I was sitting on the floor drawing people's names haha. I thought "how do I draw the word Joe?" Niall was easy; it was a picture of some pyramids next to a river with an arrow and these little hats on sticks with a scarecrow. I noticed a huge anaconda snaking towards us. We tried to ignore it but it wouldn't leave us alone so we hatched a plan to murder it. When it came near we all jumped on it's back at the same time and it's head exploded. Then we saw that there were loads of baby snakes swarming us so we had to escape.
There was a big stone archway at the edge of the clearing with a massive fat snake in front of it that was flickering sort of invisibly like Predator. It was bleeding or leaking what looked like oil. We crept past it into the archway which came out onto Barry Island by the harbour. We were still standing under the arch looking out to see the harbour sinking under the water and back up again a few times.
Then me and Sarah were in a really high-ceilinged cave on a beach that we had gone into to retrieve some books from a secret hiding place. We were walking alongside a river and some leafless trees and there were some life-size deer models with dangly legs hanging in the trees. There were 2 bridges about 20 feet apart and there were loads of cows walking over 1 bridge then back over the other in a slow circuit. We joined in to look for some findings....


I was in a grassy enclosure in a zoo with a strange little animal. It had the face of a tufty-haired guinea pig, black and white fur and long spindly legs like a fawn. A zoo keeper told me that it was just prey for another animal that only eats it's bones because the meat is so sinewy. I went over to the fence on which there was an 18ft anaconda nailed down. I stroked it and noticed a plaque next to it saying that it had died today. Then it opened its eyes and started moving a bit so I ran away. The zoo keeper was trying to restrain it and screaming at me to help but I wasn't going near an angry snake. It was still thrashing around and its pointy tail cut my arm so I was trying to stop it bleeding. The next time I turned around the zoo keeper was chopping up the anaconda in big meaty chunks and there was blood and skin everywhere.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


1) I was sitting at the table with my sister Hannah, my mum and some anonymous people and we were eating stir fry out of green bowls. I put a pale strip of meat in my mouth but it tasted really peculiar...not horrible, just odd. Then I realized that we were eating baby. I swallowed what I was eating but I felt awful. Everyone else just carried on because it was perfectly normal to eat baby. I wondered where they got these babies from and I thought I might be able to eat the meat in a burrito, but not on its own.

2) I was in a field with loads of people and there was a huge torpedo-looking thing, it was almost like a cartoon rocket. It was horizontal on a frame with wheels with a red pointy nose and the rest was white. People were pushing it around and talking about possible targets to point it at. I was confused and terrified. There were a couple of people in white who were in charge and they decided to bomb a city...I can't remember what it was called but it was on the South-East coast of the U.S. I was shouting "what the fuck are you doing?!" and grabbing people but they wouldn't even look at me.
Then I was on a street with houses in the city they were going to bomb. I knew it was a nuclear bomb so I was running about being scared. I think the bomb had just hit a distant part of the city so people were driving away really fast and crashing into each other. Then I was in some massive building, like a school or an old hospital. I rounded up some people to help me close all the windows to keep the nuclear fallout from killing us.

Friday, April 4, 2008


1) I was riding an elephant in Alaska, but it looked and felt more like somewhere in Africa. I was with a load of Nazis and Hitler and I was trying to look inconspicuous so I could escape. My elephant stopped for a wee and Hitler came towards me to tell me off. Then I was (without the elephant) in a room in a country house. I walked through a door into what should have been another room but I came out into some kind of temple. I was at the top of some wide stone steps with columns either side. I went down the steps where there was a garden- the whole place was in a valley and the slope had lots of different trees and some shrubs and little paths. My grandma was there and she said "you see that tree there, behind the apple tree? I remember meeting Hitler there with my mother when I was a baby."

2) Me and Sarah were standing on the edge of the road somewhere in the countryside. I said something like "oh yeah, we were going to go on a mission weren't we?" So we set off walking through these lanes. Every so often we would pass really interesting looking trails that went off the lane but we thought we should keep on the road. When we passed one of these paths an old, trampy looking man walking past told us that we definately must not go down that path. We waited for him to pass us and went down the trail. By this time it was dark, and we came upon a broken old garden centre. It was made from a metal frame with a white plastic roof and there was loads of broken glass and pots and it smelled like a damp garden centre. We saw the old man trying to catch up with us so we ran through all the crap on the floor but we didn't know how to get back on road. We had a really shit torch each and we were trying to keep the beams together so we could see. There was an old woman with the old man now and they were catching up with us. It wasn't really scary, just a bit weird. We climbed down some rocks onto a beach where there was something to do with shelves and acorns.....

3) Bill Bailey had a shop! It was really tiny and just consisted of a small flight of stairs, the space next to it and a small room coming off that. It was the morning and Bill was setting up the shop, but he did it differently every day. Today he was painting it bright blue with yellow stars. I really wanted to talk to him but he was busy so I just snooped around. I opened the door on the left and the room was empty except for lots of little cards.I shut the door and went upstairs looking for beads. At the back of the room there were some framed photos that Joe (Cowboy) had taken of the inside of all different buses, like the bit behind the driver or the ticket bin.