Monday, February 25, 2008


1) I was down the Knap with Gee and my brother Leo and we were standing by a low wall waiting for someone. We had a camcorder/video camera of some kind so we were playing around with it. I had what I thought was a really good idea so I told Leo to point the camera at me and start filming. I looked into the camera and said "He had crazy staring eyes" (then my eyes looked to the left, then back at the camera) "and a crazy staring ear!" But in the dream it was incredibly funny and we were pissing ourselves laughing.

2) I was in the kitchen with some anonymous people and there were 2 men in red pants. One of them was really hairy and the other was about a normal level of hairyness. The anonymous people were shaving the hairiest guy and saying "why can't you be more like the less hairy man?"

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