Friday, February 22, 2008


Me and Sarah were in the countryside around where I used to live, and there was a long trail of what looked like grey powder snaking across the fields. We realized that it was LSD so we wanted to steal it. We pretended to just innocently go for a walk but we were collecting it on our shoes, and the farmer was coming towards us in his tractor...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't remember when this was but i was having trouble sleeping then i fell asleep and it felt like straight away i woke up and went downstairs but i was dreaming. When i got downstairs i was about to make coffee when i saw this weird cannister on a little trolley to move it around and it had loads of rubes coming off the top and like a pressure guage. The cannister had the logo from my neighbours van printed on it and it said 'break re-line services'. I was confused by this and was feeling really tired as i couldnt get any coffee but i started frantically searching the house but it was like the air was swampy so i couldnt get anywhere fast and everything was blurring in the direction i moved. Eventually i got to the loft where there was this thing that looked like a huge cardboard box so i went to touch it and my hand just cracked it into tiny pieces so i started breaking through it and made a hole, i climbed through and it was a really grimy bathroom everything was a greyish pale blue and covered in grime especiall the bath and toilet, the floor and parts of the walls were covered in crumbling black and white checkerboard tiles and there was blood smeared on the walls around the top of the room. When i tried to get through the hole i fell forwards into the linen basket and was falling though all this fabric and could feel it all it was all different patterns too on a black background then i hit the floor downstairs and my dad's friend this plumber in overalls with the cannister was angry that i'd fucked up the grimy bathroom in the loft and forced the tubes down my throat violently and they were al snakesing down and i woke up..