Wednesday, April 9, 2008


1) I was sitting at the table with my sister Hannah, my mum and some anonymous people and we were eating stir fry out of green bowls. I put a pale strip of meat in my mouth but it tasted really peculiar...not horrible, just odd. Then I realized that we were eating baby. I swallowed what I was eating but I felt awful. Everyone else just carried on because it was perfectly normal to eat baby. I wondered where they got these babies from and I thought I might be able to eat the meat in a burrito, but not on its own.

2) I was in a field with loads of people and there was a huge torpedo-looking thing, it was almost like a cartoon rocket. It was horizontal on a frame with wheels with a red pointy nose and the rest was white. People were pushing it around and talking about possible targets to point it at. I was confused and terrified. There were a couple of people in white who were in charge and they decided to bomb a city...I can't remember what it was called but it was on the South-East coast of the U.S. I was shouting "what the fuck are you doing?!" and grabbing people but they wouldn't even look at me.
Then I was on a street with houses in the city they were going to bomb. I knew it was a nuclear bomb so I was running about being scared. I think the bomb had just hit a distant part of the city so people were driving away really fast and crashing into each other. Then I was in some massive building, like a school or an old hospital. I rounded up some people to help me close all the windows to keep the nuclear fallout from killing us.

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